Hi Shane, So good to hear from you. And AMAZING how you remember today is his 1st Birthday! He is going to have Steak tonight with a candle to blow out. Funny enough, I was going to message you guys today, as I wanted to share with you all at Euro Pup and Otis (First Mama/Papa – breeder/trainer) pictures. And am super happy for you to also share it on Facebook. Otis is the Love of our lives. Just a few months ago, Fudge (14 yrs old) Otis’s older furbrother crossed the rainbow bridge. And for a few days he would look for Fudge in his usual cubby hole or lie where Fudge use to sleep, Otis is such an empathetic dog and during my saddest moments he would just chill and sit with me whilst I cried and celebrated Fudge’s beautiful life. Otis (aka Yuki) is a bundle of Joy, Cuteness Overload, high energy, Goofiness and Fun all rolled into one big furball. He has this little habit of nibbling us with his two front teeth to make us giggle; its like a tickle. and when we come home from work at night, he jumps up onto the bench, just so he can get closer to our face to kiss us. Followed by, me asking him to come down so that I can kneel at his level to give him a proper hug and scratch behind ears. He is super friendly to EVERYONE and ALL other animals; he loves to say hi to our Tortoise Bunni. And he is BEST PALS with my 5 year old son. They play, and wrestle together, sometimes lands us some tears from our son. Which they both are close in age and are both still learning their boundaries when playing with each other. He is also super smart! I have him responding to Sit, Shake a Paw and on both sides, lie down, and when it’s time to eat he listens to sit and stay until I say “GO Good Boy Otis!”, it’s the cutest thing he has a little drool every time. Otis is also bigger than we expected, we have met other Cavapoos and he is definitely larger than others, but we wouldn’t have it any other way. And lastly when he sleeps he loves to sleep on his back and at times cover his eyes. He is so human like it’s amazingly hilarious! Big Thank you to all of you, for brining Otis to us. We are super blessed! Pictures Below of Otis. Super grateful and always best wishes to all. Luv Anna