Siren - Unsere Bulldogge

Miasino, Italy

Siren - Unsere Bulldogge
Miasino, Italy
Jun 29, 2008
Michele Carol Castaldo
Miasino, Italien

Bewertung des Eigentümers

Hi Eddie,

Well finally I get to write, sorry but between some guests we had over
the weekend and Siren coming into the family – I had my hands full of
work ! She is not at all timid! She arrived and the first thing she
did was to attach my dogs (2 Irish Wolfhounds and 1 English Bulldog) we
had some very heavy laughs going. She is keeping everybody on the ball !
It is so funny !

She is doing just fine, and from what I saw she had no problems after
the flight. As a matter of fact, when they brought her in the hall where
I had to do the papers she was barking to get out of the cage. But she
was just fine. No problems with diarrhea or eating.

We noticed that she must have been living with people. It seemed to us
that she was not kept in a box or kennel. She is very clean. When she
has to go, she runs to the grass and does her business. She is not
afraid of anything.
Today she even went up the stairs as my house in on 3 levels. I have to
keep her calm every once and a while so that she doesn’t over do

I am going to the VET tomorrow, because today I had to work a little
since Friday I didn’t do much. I will send those papers you requested.

Thanks again and I shall send also a comment on all the handling as to
your request.

Please let me know just one more thing, how many brothers or sisters did
she have ? And did they keep her in the family or was she in a kennel or
box ?

regards from Italy


Welpen kaufen nach der Rasse

Höhepunkte der Rasse

8-10 Jahre
4 to 6
Hunde: 50-55 Pfunde
Hündin: 48-52 Pfunde
Hunde: 12-16 zoll
Hündin: 10-14 zoll
UK, in the Middle Ages
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Utility
Andere Namen
English Bulldog

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