Dixie - Unsere Havaneser
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Bewertung des Eigentümers
Good evening Eddie
at last I have a minute to drop you a line regarding the arrival of
Dixie. She arrived in great form despite the flight, which seems not
have bothered her at all.She has settled really well in her new home and is a bundle of fun. We
had our first visit to the vet and will send a copy of her certificate. We are very pleased with the service we received from Europuppy, but not
as pleased as my daughter Josephine who after years of hoping and
asking, finally has her longed for puppy. Thanks again. Lucia
ps photos attached
Mehr Havaneser Referenzen
Mehr Referenzen aus United Arab Emirates
Höhepunkte der Rasse
15-19 Jahre
4 to 7
Hunde: 8-13 Pfunde
Hündin: 6-11 Pfunde
Hunde: 8-11 zoll
Hündin: 8-11 zoll
AKC Toy Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
Bichon Havanais, Havana Silk Dog
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