Poppy (aka Barbara) - Unsere Havaneser
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Bewertung des Eigentümers
Hello Steve,
We wanted to let you know our new puppy is settling very well indeed.
She arrived yesterday morning a little quiet but after a big breakfast and a shower she was very lively and playful with my two sons.
She was busy for most of the day and slept well last night.
Today I will be taking her along to the vet so I will let you know how she gets on.
Poppy is adorable and we thank you very much for making all the arrangements to get her here safely.
Let me know if you need any further information.
In the meantime here’s a photo of Poppy.
Kind Regards,
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Höhepunkte der Rasse
15-19 Jahre
4 to 7
Hunde: 8-13 Pfunde
Hündin: 6-11 Pfunde
Hunde: 8-11 zoll
Hündin: 8-11 zoll
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FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
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