Connor - Unsere Komondor
Talkeetna, United States
Bewertung des Eigentümers
Dear Eddie & Mario:
We love our puppy…he is perfect…I am still stunned that he got off the airplane, out of his crate, wagging his tail the whole time…when we got him back to the farm it was like okay I’m home now let’s play…he is already going in and out his kennel door…we have 3 small indoor/outdoor kennels in my laundry room that allows the dogs to each have there own indoor/outdoor run during the time we are seeing clients in the hospital…he has already met the chickens which he seems to approve of and will be meeting the goats when they arrive next week…the cats are not pleased with the new addition but that’s a cat for you…”Sailor Boy” our Congo African Gray is already talking to him telling him what a good boy he is…I started taking photos yesterday and will forward some to you later this week.
You guys have been super…thank you so much for everything.
Best Wishes,
Mehr Referenzen aus United States
Höhepunkte der Rasse
8-10 Jahre
Sehr hoch
3 to 10
Hunde: 110-135 Pfunde
Hündin: 88-110 Pfunde
Hunde: 27 Jahre
Hündin: 19-22 zoll
Hungary, 11th century
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group I.: Sheepdogs and Cattle Dogs (except Swiss Cattle Dogs)
TKC Pastoral
Hungarian Komondor, Hungarian Sheepdog
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