Lauren - Unsere Boxer

Marion, United States

Lauren - Unsere Boxer
Marion, United States
Mar 24, 2007
Jean Crosby
Marion, USA

Bewertung des Eigentümers


Here are some new photos of Lauren – Boxer puppy. As you can see, I’m thrilled with her. She is confident, very loving, quick and willing to learn. Has totally made herself at home here in beautiful Marion.

“Lauren of the Faerie’s Realm” got to socialize with some people spectators Sunday at the AKC Trial for Canine Good Citizens Titles here at the Education Center. She is outgoing to people and friendly – but she is very loyal to me. I am a certified AKC Judge & Evaluator for Canine Good Citizens Titles, lots of fun – everyone had a good time and received their titles.

She went to our vet for her check up Thursday afternoon same week she arrived, and has her next appointment June 28th for her next shot. Lauren only had her stools checked Thursday – no shot until June 28th. She is being fed all natural raw diet -“K-9 Kraving Frozen Meat and Vegetables” – which just she loves and little kibble “Nutro Natural for her introduction to tracking and using her nose, and she finds every little bit!

The photos of Lauren were taken 12th of June on our large training field. She is learning attention and walking beside me. She is very happy and eager to work through motivation.

Not sure if all photos will fit on this email, if not we will send second page. We have some photos of Elfin King as well for you. :)

Ciao for now.

Dave and Jeanie

Welpen kaufen nach der Rasse

Höhepunkte der Rasse

10-12 Jahre
6 to 10
Extra große
Hunde: 60-70 Pfunde
Hündin: 53-65 Pfunde
Hunde: 22-25 zoll
Hündin: 21-24 zoll
Germany, 19th century
AKC Working Dogs
FCI Group II.: Pinscher and Schnauzer- Molossoid Breeds - Swiss Mountain and Cattle Dogs
TKC Working
Andere Namen
German Boxer

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