Jinx - Unsere Französische Bulldogge

Portsmouth, United States

Jinx - Unsere Französische Bulldogge
Portsmouth, United States
Dec 31, 1969
Stephanie Henault
Portsmouth, USA

Bewertung des Eigentümers

Hi Steve

Jinx is doing great ! I want to thank everyone at euro puppy for another great puppy .

The first time I was looking for a French Bulldog , I knew I wanted a black and white pied . I looked at a lot of websites . No one had any ,then I came to a website that had lots of pictures of puppies and their prices ! I took one look at Rodney (his name was Eric ) and knew I found my puppy .

People where asking me how can you buy a puppy on line . I was never worried about buying a puppy on line or that he was not in this Country . Everyone one from Euro puppy made it easy !

After I lost Rodney I knew the only place that I would buy a puppy from was Euro Puppy . People told me to buy in this country ,I looked at websites but it never felt right . So I knew the only place I would find my new puppy was Euro Puppy ! My first frenchie was just pure love , the purest soul I have ever known . He had the biggest heart that would not stop ,no matter what . It looks like my new frenchie is going to be the same !

So Thank you to everyone at Euro Puppy !

You have the very best puppies there are !!


Hi Sandor,

I wanted to let you know that Jinx is doing fine .

There is something I want to share with you . I was looking a Jinx’s pedigree , his father’s name is Black Pirate Aladar . Rodney’s register name was Black Pirate Robin . So I got Rodney’s pedigree out and there were some of the same names on his . There was one name on Jinx’s I found most interesting was his grandmother Black Pirate Roza 4646/04 . Rodney was Black Pirate Robin 4642/04 ! I think Jinx’s grandmother was Rodney’s sister . If it’s true than Jinx has some of Rodney in him . I can’t tell you how much that means to me , it’s like there is some of Rodney still with me .

I don’t know if I’m right ? I do hope that I am .

Have a great day
Steph and Jinx

Welpen kaufen nach der Rasse

Höhepunkte der Rasse

10-14 Jahre
2 to 5
England in the 1860s
AKC Non-sporting Dogs
FCI Group IX.: Companion and Toy Dogs
TKC Utility
Andere Namen
Bouledogue Francais

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